About us
A Parish Council is a fundamental tier of local government, serving as a democratically elected authority representing the parish.
As an official entity, we are accountable to you, the electorate.
We provide a cost-effective way to exercise local control over various matters, such as maintaining roads, ditches, hedges, and footpaths within the parish.
We stay informed about planning applications affecting the parish and can influence the decisions taken.
We liaise with the District and County Councils on issues impacting the parish and build relationships with community organisations like the police, school, and cricket club.
Council elections are held every four years.
For further inquiries or information, please contact the Parish Clerk.
Our members

Hester Hammond - Chair
- Hampshire Association of Local Councils
- New Forest Community Forum
- Hulse Hall liaison
- Police liaison

Richard Dawson - Councillor
- School Liason
- Hedges and Footpaths
- Roads and Ditches
- Water Pollution Monitoring

Gregory Watts - Councillor
- Cricket Club liaison

Sir Michael Hulse - Vice Chair
- Hampshire Association of Local Councils
- Rook, Dodington and Johnson Charities

Alan Steele MBE - Councillor
- New Forest Consultative Panel
- Cranborne Chase A.N.O.B.
- Hampshire Association of Local Councils

Simon Wadham - Parish Clerk
- Governance
- Administration
- Finance

Gaynor Hammond - Councillor
- Flood Warden Liaison
- Hulse Hall Liaison

Lynne Aggas - Councillor
- New Forest Quadrant
- Hulse Hall liaison
- Parish Lengthsman